Helmet Hands!
Does your child fall asleep easily while on a ride? Does their head bounce around like a pinball while driving in your SXS or UTV or off-road vehicle? Do you wish there was a better way for them to stay comfortable?
Helmet Hands was created with the idea to help keep kids heads secure if they fall asleep while on a ride. These helmet restraints are an affordable and effective way to keep your child comfortable and secure during bumpy and rugged off-roading trips.
Helmet-Hands secures a child’s helmet to the back of the SXS and UTV and seat for a more comfortable ride. It's an innovative helmet restraint that is changing the way children enjoy rides in off-roading vehicles.
While it is not a replacement for safety devices, it can work in conjunction with them to provide a safe and comfortable ride on even the bumpiest of dirt roads.